Spreading Awareness, Encouraging Action
The Climate Divide Climate change affects every community differently. In general the poor will suffer more than the rich. In a story about these changes, the New York Times explored four different places around our globe, examining how the gap between the developed and the undeveloped world will become greater than ever because of climate change. The NY Times story explored four areas: Malawi in Africa, the Netherlands, India and Australia, to see how the local communities are dealing with the current effects of climate change. The claims that the two developed nations were adapting adequately to the increase in flooding (in the Netherlands) and the increase in drought (in Australia). Both countries used their technology to adapt to their situations. However, the developing world is not so lucky. They do not have the money necessary to adapt and, because of this, they will be prone to extensive humanitarian impacts because of climate change. Source: short film about the New York Times story. Click on it! http://www.nytimes.com/packages/html/science/20070403_CLIMATE_FEATURE/blocker.html. EIGHT NORTHBROOK PARK - LEXINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02420 USA TELEPHONE (781) 863-1400 - info@gwenet.org - FACSIMILE (781) 863-1441 |