Spreading Awareness, Encouraging Action
Nuclear Power Is Trendy Again Nuclear power is vital to energy independence according to statements made by U.S. President Bush while visiting a nuclear power plant in Limerick, Pennsylvania. Coal, oil and natural gas prices have skyrocketed, making energy independence increasingly important as a political platform. Cutting greenhouse gas emissions has also become a climate saving priority. This makes nuclear power very attractive in the sense that it is virtually emission free. One major aspect of nuclear power that holds back environmentalists and some other special interest groups is the need to find a safe way to store nuclear wastes. However, by doing additional research and development on newer third and fourth generation nuclear technology (including fast breeder reactors), this problem and others, could very likely be solved. Source: Nuclear Power Is Trendy Again, by Bret Schulte, US News and World Report, 22 October 2006. EIGHT NORTHBROOK PARK - LEXINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02420 USA TELEPHONE (781) 863-1400 - info@gwenet.org - FACSIMILE (781) 863-1441 |