Spreading Awareness, Encouraging Action
Polar Bears As Threatened Species The U.S. has categorized polar bears as a threatened species because of climate change. This is the first time that an animal has been placed on the endangered species list because of climate change. This qualification suggests that the bear is at risk of becoming extinct, and therefore it requires the U.S. government to protect it. Polar bears depend on rapidly-disappearing sea ice to hunt for seals and other prey. In 2007, Arctic ice coverage fell to a record low. The prediction is that the ice will decline another 30% by mid-century. According to the US Geological Survey, two-thirds of the world’s polar bears could disappear by 2050 because of the loss of Arctic ice. Source: Polar Bears Get Protection, by Beth Daley, Boston Globe, 15 May 2008. EIGHT NORTHBROOK PARK - LEXINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02420 USA TELEPHONE (781) 863-1400 - info@gwenet.org - FACSIMILE (781) 863-1441 |